Thursday 11 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Decrying anti-Semitism, Guardian style

Decrying anti-Semitism, Guardian style

I hope you didn't expect al-Guardian to go after the real thing. I hope you don't expect them to expose the anti-Semitism of some of their own columnists and Comment is Free writers. But this is the kind of anti-Semitism the Guardian wants to be against: People who call the likes of Amira Hass, Mikey Lerner, Gideon Levy, Ilan Pappe and Gonen Segev and more than 8000 others "Self-Hating and/or Israel Threatening Jews."

Well, I don't agree with the entire ... list either (I agree with most of the names I recognized), and it's got far too much profanity for my taste. But the .... list is not where I would start to attack anti-Semitism.

And yes, the Guardian writer, Yigal Bronner, has more than earned his place on the list assuming that what they write about him is true.

Israel Matzav: Decrying anti-Semitism, Guardian style

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