Wednesday 10 February 2010

Israel Matzav: 'Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle'

'Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle'

In the latest episode of the weekly children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers on Hamas TV, a Palestinian boy chose to sing the following children's song:

"Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle.
When I am a big boy, I will join the Liberation Army.
The army of [Izz Al-Din] Al-Qassam (Hamas),
which has taught us how to defend our homeland.
Our homeland is precious, precious.
We [are] victorious, victorious over America and Israel.
[Improvises:] Son of a bitch - what brought you to this land?"

It is worth noting that the two hosts, the young girl Saraa and Nassur, an adult in a bear costume, approved of the boy's choice of song and let him sing it. Only when the boy cursed("Son of a bitch"), did the young girl cut him off, pointing out that the "program is a program for children, not for anything else." The objection was to the boy's cursing, not to the content of the song. The adult inside the puppet ended the exchange by defending the boy: "He didn't say anything else, Saraa. He said the truth."

Let's go to the videotape.

Palestinian Media Watch has more about this program here. Isn't it great how the 'Palestinians' are preparing their people for 'peace'? Especially the younger generation....

Israel Matzav: 'Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle'

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