Monday 1 February 2010

Israel Matzav: But the Pope blames Israel

But the Pope blames Israel

You will recall that two weeks ago I reported that the Vatican is blaming the Jooos for the declining number of Christians in the Middle East. Here's some evidence otherwise.

Let's go to the videotape. A transcript follows.

In June 2007, Hamas toppled the Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup. Several months later, Radical Islamic Entities began murdering innocent Christian civilians within the Gaza Strip. The first victim was Rami Ayad, a young man in his thirties and a father of two who worked in a church organizing charitable activities. Following his murder, members of Hamas desecrated his body and cut him up into pieces. Former target and political refugee General Kamel al-Tarzi stated, "They did not just attack Rami, they are attacking the entire Christian community. They shoot at their feet, burn churches, offices, institutions, and all kinds of buildings that serve the Christian community." For weeks reporter Henrique Zimmerman gathered testimonies and evidence from Christian families that fled the Gaza Strip as a result of religious persecution. The people who were interviewed adamantly claim that Islamic Organizations in the Gaza Strip are trying to conduct an ethnic cleansing campaign against the remaining Christian Minority who live there. "I have to say that the reality is painful. When we come and say that members of the Christian community in Gaza, the institutions, associations and churches have been attacked by unrecognized extremist Islamic groups ultimately, in one way or another, in effect they are all one group with different names. They all have the same approach, based entirely on the Koran." (General Kamal al-Tarzi)

What part of that is the Pope incapable of understanding?

Israel Matzav: But the Pope blames Israel

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