Monday 22 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Britain gets a clue

Britain gets a clue

Seven Britons, two of them being 'Palestinian nationals,' have been sent to prison for periods ranging from twelve to third months for their roles in a violent demonstration outside the Israeli embassy in London during Operation Cast Lead.

Judge John Denniss said he hoped the sentences would be a deterrent against such violent protest.

He said: “Such offences often involve young men such as you who are of otherwise of exemplary character.

“But the sentences given must act as a deterrent for those who may commit such offences in the future.

“Peaceful protest is the hallmark of a truly democratic society. They may sometimes even be boisterous. But what happened on January 10 goes way beyond this and warranted a measured response from the police.”

Police said the men threw placards and sticks and pushed and kicked police officers.

It's about time someone got tough with these seething Muslims.

But something tells me we have not seen the last of this.

Israel Matzav: Britain gets a clue

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