Monday 22 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Bolton: Negotiation isn't a policy. It's a technique

Bolton: Negotiation isn't a policy. It's a technique

Speaking to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) on Saturday, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton nailed the Obama administration's obsession with 'engagement.'

Bolton argued that fundamentally, Obama's approach is a result of the fact that foreign policy is not that important to him and he doesn't see the rest of the world as a threat. He said that Obama was the first "post American President" -- not anti-American, but somebody who doesn't believe in the concept of American Exceptionalism.

This has manifested itself in Iran, he said, where Obama is continuing the "falied Bush policy" of trying to talk the regime out of nuclear weapons through negotiation. And also in Afghanistan, where he said Obama did the right thing by sending more troops, but showed weakness by calling for withdrawal to start in 2011.

He said the Middle East peace process was worse off, and Israel was in greater danger because of his naive approach to forging a compromise. "Negotiation is not a policy," he said. "It is a technique."


Why couldn't he be Secretary of State?

Israel Matzav: Bolton: Negotiation isn't a policy. It's a technique

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