Thursday 4 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Bloodthirsty? Me? Russia Today thinks so

Bloodthirsty? Me? Russia Today thinks so

I was interviewed last Thursday by Russia Today, an English language television station, about a poll whose results I posted on this blog last month. It was actually the second time I was interviewed - the first time the interview didn't come out. What you will see in the video is only a short part of what I said - they did not use my references to the Goldstone Report. And I would gladly debate Inna Michaeli (who is not representative of most Israelis) anytime or anywhere.

By the way, I was NOT interviewed by Paula Slier - they have another reporter here who interviewed me who does not appear in the video.

I'm kind of surprised to see that it already has over 3800 views (and over 300 comments) just a day after it went up.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Marzutra).

In case you're wondering: What I said about Goldstone was that after we were condemned (using lies about a massacre) for how the IDF handled Jenin, and after we got the Goldstone Report for trying to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza, many Israelis are convinced that we will be condemned no matter how we fight our battles with the 'Palestinians,' and therefore we should worry less about collateral damage to civilians (I would never condone targeting civilians and the IDF does not do that) and more about doing the job thoroughly.

If you don't understand the title of this post, look at the title that Russia Today gave to the video.

Israel Matzav: Bloodthirsty? Me? Russia Today thinks so

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