Friday 5 February 2010

Correct Comment is Free. Not the Other Kind.

Correct Comment is Free. Not the Other Kind.

Geoffrey Alderman is a professor of history. has more than ten books of his on offer, and they cover an interesting range of subjects. He has published almost 80 articles on CiF; he also post comments there, unusual in that he uses his real name.

Not anymore, as he tells here.

In November, I accepted an invitation to write for CiF Watch a piece on Peter Oborne’s Channel 4 documentary Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby and on Tony Lerman’s defence of it on CiF.

I can now reveal that, within days of the publication of my critique, I received an email from the Guardian telling me that, if I dared to continue writing for CiF Watch, I would no longer be able to contribute to CiF. It was, I was summarily warned, “an either/or choice”.

I can further reveal that I have now been placed on a special list of persons whose CiF comments will be reviewed in advance of their online publication.

If you seek the honor of writing for the Guardian, you can't also write for their guardians. It's a democracy, not a free-for-all.

Or as Mondoweiss might put it, it's a war of ideas. You have to choose which side you're on. Truth? Independent thought? Diversity? Wot?

Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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