Tuesday 12 January 2010

Love of the Land: Turkey Formally Enters Iranian Orbit, Plans Sanction-Busting Joint Economic Initiatives

Turkey Formally Enters Iranian Orbit, Plans Sanction-Busting Joint Economic Initiatives

Mere Rhetoric
11 January '10

You can't really blame them for betting on the strong horse:

While the West is discussing sanctions against Iran, Turkey is discussing the establishment of a joint industrial area with Iran on their shared border the Iranian state news agency, Fars, reported on Friday. Iran's industry minister, Ali Akbar Mehrabian, met on Friday with Turkey's trade minister, Nahat Argon to discuss increasing economic activities between the two nations. Mehrabian said after the meeting that there was a lot of potential for joint economic activities between the two countries.

These aren't just bilateral moves either. The Turks are also boosting their ties with Syria. They've chosen a side and they're making and breaking alliances accordingly:

Two factors in particular seem to have led to Turkey's shift away from Israel and toward Syria. First, Turkey no longer needed Israeli assistance to pressure the Syrian government to change its policy of providing safe-haven to the terrorist Kurdish Worker's Organization (PKK).

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Love of the Land: Turkey Formally Enters Iranian Orbit, Plans Sanction-Busting Joint Economic Initiatives

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