Sunday 10 January 2010

Love of the Land: [Solution at all costs?] Eiland calls for Jordanian troops next to Kfar Sava

[Solution at all costs?] Eiland calls for Jordanian troops next to Kfar Sava

Dr. Aaron Lerner
10 January '10

The solution to the Israel's security concerns is to turn the West Bank and Gaza Strip into sovereign Jordanian entities with Jordanian troops deployed in those territories.

Sounds neat.

Another thorny problem solved.

It's Miller Time.

Now let's think for another moment.

Oh no. You mean think for a minute beyond the idea?

You mean actually think through some possible scenarios.

Say beyond a day.

Maybe even a year. Or more.


That's not fair.

We Israelis didn't do that when we went into Oslo.

And we certainly didn't do it when we retreated from Gaza.

So why be a party pooper and actually think beyond the moment.

Here's a few hints:

#1. We don't know who or what will rule in Jordan in another year, let alone another decade.

#2. Putting the West Bank and Gaza under Jordanian control might contribute to and/or encourage the destabilization of Jordan, making #1 even a bigger concern.

#3. The deployed Jordanian troops could readily, even possibly against their will, become human shields for Palestinian terror activity against Israel - with Israel facing an extremely complicated challenge addressing the security challenge when any move over the line is a move that violates Jordanian sovereignty.

#4. There are numerous scenarios that have a cumulative probability considerably greater than 10% in the next decade that we could find ourselves, if this proposal were to be implemented, with Jordanian troops poised as the advanced forces for invading Arab armies literally a few hundred yards away from Israeli population centers.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: [Solution at all costs?] Eiland calls for Jordanian troops next to Kfar Sava

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