Saturday 9 January 2010

Love of the Land: Salam Fayyad Says (Yes or No?) to Jews Living in a Palestinian State

Salam Fayyad Says (Yes or No?) to Jews Living in a Palestinian State

by Daniel Pipes
05 July '09
updated 06 January '10
Posted before Shabbat

(Daniel Pipes follows Fayyad's devolution to the 05 January '10 update at the end of the article. We can now say that Fayyad has clarified his intentions. Y.)

I have long argued that the presence of Jews living on the West Bank does not present a problem to a resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, for a true resolution would allow them to live peaceably in a Palestinian state. We'll know the conflict has ended, I like to say, when the Jews of Hebron have no more need for security than the Arabs of Nazareth.

So, I read with considerable interest that Salam Fayyad, who calls himself the prime minister of the Palestinian Authority (a title I do not use, by the way), said roughly the same thing at a meeting of the Aspen Institute's Aspen Ideas Festival on July 4.

According to "Palestinian prime minister: Jews would be welcome in future state" by Brent Gardner-Smith in the Aspen Daily News, former CIA director James Woolsey noted that a million Arabs in Israel account for one-sixth of the Israeli population and that they "generally they enjoy the guarantees that Americans look for in the Bill of Rights." He went on to ask:

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Salam Fayyad Says (Yes or No?) to Jews Living in a Palestinian State

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