Sunday 24 January 2010

Love of the Land: Pedatzur on Israel's Al-Dura Blunder

Pedatzur on Israel's Al-Dura Blunder

24 January '10

Reuven Pedatzur revisits the Mohammed Al Dura case today in Ha'aretz, and slams the Israeli Foreign Ministry for failing to challenge the widely reported version of events. He reminds readers of the holes in France 2's story:

The cameraman's testimony is full of contradictions. He says that "the soldiers shot the two in cold blood for 45 minutes." However, if the IDF soldiers wanted to hit Mohammed and his father in "cold blood" they could have killed them in less than a minute. Regarding the question of how many bullets were fired toward the two, Abu Rahma said "at least 400." The wall at the site of the incident clearly shows eight holes.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: Pedatzur on Israel's Al-Dura Blunder

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