Monday 25 January 2010

Love of the Land: New report shows anti-Semitism in Europe at highest level since WWII

New report shows anti-Semitism in Europe at highest level since WWII

Robin Shepherd
Robin Shepherd Online
25 January '10

The figures confirm what our instincts have been telling us: anti-Semitism in western Europe has now reached its highest level since the end of World War II. A report released on Sunday by the Jewish Agency for Israel compiles figures from across Europe which make for disturbing reading (though not if you read the BBC’s website since the story has been ignored!).

According to the Jerusalem Post’s coverage of a press conference at which the report was unveiled:

“In France, 631 incidents occurred in the first half of 2009, compared with 431 in 2008. In Britain, some 600 anti-Semitic incidents took place during 2009 [the largest number since records began]. In the Netherlands, some one hundred incidents were noted [in the three months] following the Gaza incursion, the same number as the country had witnessed the entire previous year.”

The report also warned of the re-emergence of the medieval blood libel in mainstream media outlets such as the notorious article in Sweden’s top selling Aftonbladet newspaper alleging a Jewish conspiracy in which Israeli soldiers were harvesting the bodily organs of Palestinian children for sale on the international black market.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: New report shows anti-Semitism in Europe at highest level since WWII

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