Thursday 14 January 2010

Love of the Land: Learning From The Turkish Wringer

Learning From The Turkish Wringer

Batya Medad
Shilo Musings
14 January '10

Turkey has now crowned its growing list of antisemitic, anti-Israel acts by upgrading diplomatic threats in response to a silly faux pax by Danny Ayalon, Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister.

There's something to learn from this.

No, it's not to treat Turkey (and other countries) more diplomatically. It's how we should be responding to diplomatic insults, antisemitic and anti-Israel acts and statements by other nations.

First of all, Israel must recognize that most, if not all, of our "close friendships" with other nations are very one-sided. We consider them great friends and they just like our tourist and import money. If our business is good for their economy their palms are open, but their hearts are closed. The Israeli mentality just doesn't get it. This is a very dangerous syndrome. It just causes more abuse, diplomatic slights and worse.

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Love of the Land: Learning From The Turkish Wringer

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