Monday 11 January 2010

Love of the Land: Islamic Jihad: Israel wants to drag us into war

Islamic Jihad: Israel wants to drag us into war

09 January '10

(Slow on the learning curve really does not do these people justice. Y.)

Armed Palestinian factions will not hesitate to confront Israel if the Israel Defense Forces continue to attack the Gaza Strip, an official from the Islamic Jihad's military wing Al-Quds Brigades told Palestinian news agency Ma'an on Saturday.

Spokesman Abu Ahmad claimed Israel is attempting to provoke an armed conflict with Palestinian groups. "The latest Israeli military escalation on Gaza comes within ongoing attempts by the occupation to provoke the resistance by dragging it into a military confrontation," Ma'an news agency quoted Ahmad as saying.

Abu Ahmad's statements come following a week-long rocket barrage fired from Gaza into southern Israel, to which the IDF retaliated with a series of air strikes against Gaza targets overnight Thursday.

Abu Ahmad also dismissed recent reports of Israel's successful tests of the Iron Dome rocket defense system, saying Israel "can't stop the projectiles of the resistance."

"The occupation's attempts will fail in weakening the spirit of resistance, and that could change the equation of the circumstances in the region," Abu Ahmad said.

Related: Dead Militants

Love of the Land: Islamic Jihad: Israel wants to drag us into war

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