Sunday 10 January 2010

Love of the Land: George Mitchell: “Fatah Believes in Nonviolence”

George Mitchell: “Fatah Believes in Nonviolence”

Noah Pollaak
10 January '10

One more item from Obama Mideast envoy George Mitchell’s appearance on the Charlie Rose show (transcript here). Mitchell said:

Well, that’s the principal difference between Fatah and Hamas. The Palestinian authority which is basically the Fatah party, believes in nonviolence and negotiation.

This is silly stuff. Fatah, of course, proudly maintains terrorist groups, such as the Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades and the Tanzim militia, within the party structure. The gunmen who murdered an Israeli rabbi two weeks ago were not just members of Fatah but also on the Fatah payroll. Just last week, the heroically moderate president and prime minister of the PA could be seen publicly celebrating Fatah terrorists and acts of terrorism.

(Read full post)

Love of the Land: George Mitchell: “Fatah Believes in Nonviolence”

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