Tuesday 19 January 2010

Love of the Land: Full Report: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Hatred on the Huffington Post

Full Report: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Hatred on the Huffington Post

Welcome to the ugly side of the most powerful blog in the world.

14 January '10

[Editors’ note: The following is an introduction to, and summary of a new investigative report by Huff-Watch: "The Stimulus And The (Approved) Response: Anti-Semitism and Israel-Hatred on Huffington Post." Click herefor the full report.]

In its four years of existence,The Huffington Post (aka “HuffPost”) has grown from obscurity into the world’s most-visited blogsite, and one of America’s most popular news sites. It now has more monthly visitors than the Washington Post, and is supported by some of the largest advertisers in the world. Its representatives have been allowed to ask questions at presidential press conferences, and one was even given preferential treatment. It now enjoys access to, and influence over, the top levels of the U.S. government. Top members of the U.S. Senate are among HuffPost’s official bloggers, including John Kerry, Carl Levin, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer and others.

A significant reason for HuffPost’s success and “legitimization” are its claims that it is a nonpartisan “newspaper,” dedicated to “ferret(ing) out the truth,”and “debunking the left-right way of thinking.”

HuffPost also claims to be non-partisan in its moderation of user comments. Arianna Huffington, the site’s founder and Editor-In-Chief, claims HuffPost has “a zero tolerance policy” for hate speech, and that it acts vigilantly to keep its comment threads free of offensive content, 24-7.

Unfortunately, HuffPost consistently “frames” news stories in such a way that incites anti-Israel perceptions and hatred. Further, in violation of its own policies, it approves and tolerates user comments submitted in response to these stories that contain incendiary, hate-filled libels against Israelis and Jews, as well as links to anti-Semitic hate websites.

(Read full report)

Love of the Land: Full Report: Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Hatred on the Huffington Post

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