Friday 22 January 2010

Love of the Land: Fairly Definitive Proof of Media Bias

Fairly Definitive Proof of Media Bias

Jeffrey Goldberg
The Atlantic
20 January '10

Sometimes the bias just smacks you in the face. Take this story from Reuters, which concerns efforts by the U.N. and various NGOs to convince Israel to open its semi-sealed border with Gaza. The story opens with a heartbreaking story:

Palestinian high-school student Fida Hejji died of cancer waiting for Israeli permission to go to an Israeli hospital for treatment.
Hejji, 18, was promised an entry permit three times. Three days after she died last November, her family got a call to say the hospital had set the date for her admission.

A terrible story, and one reason I support ending Israel's closure of the border. But wait: In the 11th paragraph of the story -- after we are told about Israel's various deprecations and crimes against Gaza, we read the following:

Hejji had hoped to get life-saving treatment in Israel as other Gazans have done. The Egyptian border is also closed.

Notice the sentence construction. The Egyptian border "is closed." By whom? Perhaps by... Egypt?

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Love of the Land: Fairly Definitive Proof of Media Bias

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