Wednesday 20 January 2010

Love of the Land: Defrosted


Marc Prowisor
Yesha Views
19 January '10

The freeze is on, new construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron has come to a virtual standstill. For accuracy sake, buildings that were started or pre approved for the most part are going up, depending on the whim of the Defense Minister and his understanding or lack of understanding of this biased policy.

This ethnic icebox runs true with its allies, apartheid and racism. You see this is all one-sided, my Arab neighbors across the valley have jumped on the building band wagon and have increased all of their building efforts, full throttle ahead. Increases in budgets from abroad for the Arab residents of Yehuda and Shomron, both from foreign Governments and individuals flow fast like white water rapids. They are not stupid, they realize the Jews have slowed down, now is the time to move, and that is exactly what they are doing.

I don’t have a problem with their building - I have a problem with the clear cut limits and prejudice against the Jewish population of this region. It is quite obvious there are “witch” hunts going on against the “National Religious” community of Yehuda, Shomron and Jerusalem. Property deeds that we sign on apparently are not worth the paper they are written on. Property deeds that Jews have held for years are questioned while Arab squatters are treated like dignitaries, sometimes I wonder where we are living, in which century and… under whose rule? Our basic rights are being violated by our own people, but you know what, I know why. Despite the frustration and anger that I share with millions of Jews around the world about how we are being trounced upon, and how we are being backed into a corner, (mind you, only we are to blame), there is a good side to this also, even though it is hard to see.

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Love of the Land: Defrosted

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