Monday 18 January 2010

Love of the Land: Canadian Muslim Paper Condemned For Blood Libel

Canadian Muslim Paper Condemned For Blood Libel

A Canadian Muslim newspaper publishes disgraceful accusations claiming Israel was trying to harvest the organs of 25,000 Ukrainian children.

Honest Reporting
Media Critique
17 January '10

Canadian investigative journalist Terry Glavin recently reported on an odious story that British Columbia Muslim newspaper Al-Ameen Post had carried, which "reported" on an alleged Israeli conspiracy to kidnap 25,000 Ukrainian children in order to harvest their organs. The report was entitled "Ukrainian kids, new victims of Israeli organ theft."

Glavin aptly noted that this report was "reprinted faithfully and accurately from that holocaust-denying international scab operation known as Press TV, which is the house journal of the Khomeinist tyranny in Iran." Press TV had reported these outrageous allegations as if they were fact and Al-Ameen had simply republished this report without doing any rudimentary fact checks. Quality control issues aside, such ludicrous accusations should have sounded off alarms for even the novice editors at Al-Ameen. The report certainly shouldn't have been published considering the unsubstantiated nature of the accusations, along with the especially problematic backgrounds of its authors.

(Read full report)

Love of the Land: Canadian Muslim Paper Condemned For Blood Libel

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