Friday 1 January 2010

Love of the Land: After Detroit Terror Attack Fails, Diane Sawyer Profiles Israel

After Detroit Terror Attack Fails, Diane Sawyer Profiles Israel

Dr. Alex Safian
CAMERA Media Analysis
31 December 09
posted before Shabbat

Covering the failed attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to destroy a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Michigan, ABC's new anchor, Diane Sawyer, brought up the perennial question of Israeli airport security (World News with Diane Sawyer, December 28, 2009). While the veteran journalist allowed that Israeli security measures were "legendary," she also emphatically and falsely charged that Israel "openly, openly tried to profile the passengers. One critic called it flying while Muslim."

ABC's Justice correspondent, Peirre Thomas, then weighed in, adding to the misinformation with his claim, citing unnamed experts, that Israelis "routinely profile Muslims and Arabs and they're unapologetic."



(Off-camera) A quick question to you, Pierre, about Israel. As we know its legendary security there for boarding airplanes and they openly, openly tried to profile the passengers. One critic called it flying while Muslim. What about that?


(Off-camera) Well, we spoke to some Israeli security officials today and they were blunt. They do routinely profile Muslims and Arabs and they're unapologetic. One private security official told me today not all Muslims all terrorists but nearly all terrorists are Muslim. The official acknowledged that this approach might make many Americans uncomfortable but said the Israelis have not had a successful attack on an airplane for more than 30 years.


(Off-camera) Okay, Pierre, thanks to you. And as we know, of course, Israel has far fewer flights per day than in the US.

(Read full article plus video clip)

Love of the Land: After Detroit Terror Attack Fails, Diane Sawyer Profiles Israel

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