Sunday 3 January 2010

Love of the Land: 10 Significant Articles From the 'Noughties' Decade

10 Significant Articles From the 'Noughties' Decade

Honest Reporting/Backspin
03 January '10

(This is a "Honest Reporting" treasure trove and well worth time to go through.Y.)

Certain articles, blog posts, cartoons and videos from the past decade continue to stick out in mind. I haven't forgotten them, because they say a lot about the media and the kinds of issues HonestReporting dealt with during the "noughties."

Ranking their importance is useless; each had its own kind significance for better or for worse, so I'm listing the content in chronological order. This is totally subjective, so post the items that stand out in your mind in the comments section. I'd like to see everyone's take.

1) Retraction Required
Reuters-logoAfter 9/11, Washington Post media columnist Howard Kurtz obtained a copy of a now-famous Reuters memo. News chief Stephen Jukes told his staff not to use the word "terror."

We all know," he wrote, "that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and that Reuters upholds the principle that we do not use the word terrorist . . ."

The moral ambiguity Jukes expressed was endemic of a wider problem in the mainstream media, so I'm glad Kurtz put Jukes and his his views on the record. As Kurtz's original article is in the Post's paid archives, I'm linking instead to John O'Sulli

(Read full list)

Love of the Land: 10 Significant Articles From the 'Noughties' Decade

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