Tuesday 19 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Who will praise Israel for its help in Haiti? You won't believe it

Who will praise Israel for its help in Haiti? You won't believe it

On his Fox News program on Sunday night, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee praised US aid for Haiti and lashed out at those who claim that the United States is doing nothing to help.

Speaking on his FoxNews television program, Huckabee noted that “once again, in the face of a horrible human tragedy, it’s Americans who show up first, do the most, and expect the least in return.”

“When it comes to a time of human tragedy,” Huckabee continued, “it’s the United States that will export its most precious commodity – its generosity. Within hours of the horrific earthquake that hit Haiti, Americans were pouring record donations into the relief efforts… The U.S. military dispatched ships, planes and thousands of personnel… American relief workers lined up to go to Haiti and risked death and disease to help people they don’t even know.”

“I realize that other countries are helping and providing resources – but the next time some pipsqueak punk politician like [Venezuelan dictator] Hugo Chavez or Iran’s nutjob of a president Ahmoud Medinajad [sic] whines about how evil we are, we ought to tell them to put up or shut up.”

“… When the earthquake struck, American went to Haiti. As for our critics, they can go to hell.”

Indeed. On Sunday, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused the United States of 'occupying' Haiti under the guise of aid. But the US has provided far more than Venezuela has provided.

Here are what some other countries have done for Haiti:

Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, one of the richest countries in the world, has sent a message of condolence to Haitian President René Préval. Some Arab countries have “pledged” help, such as $1 million pledged from both Kuwait and Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates says it will “shortly” send a plane with humanitarian assistance. Qatar, with the third largest gas reserves and the second highest GDP per capita in the world, has dispatched 50 metric tons of aid to the hundreds of thousands of homeless and injured Haitians.

Arutz Sheva (the link above) asks who will praise Israel for its aid to Haiti (which the article lists). Well, someone has.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Lance K). What you're looking for is in the last minute.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

At least the Americans know that we're there.

Israel Matzav: Who will praise Israel for its help in Haiti? You won't believe it

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