Tuesday 5 January 2010

Israel Matzav: What Egypt gets and the 'internationals' don't

What Egypt gets and the 'internationals' don't

Over at Firedog Lake, the moonbats are trying to show how they 'won' despite the fact that the Egyptians did not let them into Gaza to commemorate Operation Cast Lead, and despite the fact that their protests on the Israeli side of the border only made a big deal here because an 'Israeli Arab' MK handed his government-issued cell phone to Ismael Haniyeh (Hat Tip: "Memeorandum"). The bottom line here is that a year later, Israeli Jews still overwhelmingly support the war and the way it was fought and understand that the IDF did what had to be done. As a collective, we are not suicidal morons, although we do have some such among us (you will see one of them below). The overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews understand that if things like glass and concrete are allowed into Gaza, they will be used to build rockets and to make bunkers for the Hamas leadership and not to build homes.

And the Egyptians understand it too. The Egyptians understand that rehabilitating Hamas means creating an Islamist province on their border that could spread its noxious doctrine to them. They are not fools either, and that's why they did not let the vast majority of the useful idiots into Gaza and why they are going along with preventing the types of supplies that could be used to make rockets from reaching Gaza.

Let's go to the videotape.

Israel Matzav: What Egypt gets and the 'internationals' don't

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