Sunday 17 January 2010

Israel Matzav: US warns Syria on SA2 missiles

US warns Syria on SA2 missiles

So much for ' benign neglect.'

A Kuwaiti newspaper is reporting that the United States has warned the Assad regime that if it supplies SA2 anti-aircraft missiles to Hezbullah, Israel will bomb Damascus. The warning came after Hezbullah terrorists trained on the SA2 over the weekend in Syria.

An American source says that Syria allowed Hezbollah operatives to train within its territory in the use of advanced SA2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, the Kuwaiti daily Al Rai reported Sunday.

In an interview, the senior U.S. official warned that if Syria supplies Hezbollah with this type of missile, Israel will bomb Damascus and a war will likely ensue.

According to the official, Israel has warned Syria not to allow the transfer of the SA2 missiles into the hands of Hezbollah, and views the transfer of such missiles as the crossing of a red line.

He added that he did not believe that a war would break out soon, unless one of the sides violated the undeclared agreement not to cross the red lines defined by both sides.
I'd bet on the Israelis bombing Damascus (and taking out the SA2's before they can deployed) if the Syrians try to deliver them. I wouldn't bet much on a Syrian response. Heh.

On and by the way, the US still considers Hezbullah a terrorist group. Something else the Obumbler can't change.

Israel Matzav: US warns Syria on SA2 missiles

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