Friday 29 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Surprise! Abu Bluff wants all of Jerusalem

Surprise! Abu Bluff wants all of Jerusalem

It shouldn't surprise anyone that 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen wants all of Jerusalem for his state reichlet's capital.

Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that the PA would not be satisfied with the Jerusalem area village of Abu Dis as the capital of a PA state – an idea that many politicians on the left have touted – but that the PA demanded all of eastern Jerusalem, including all of the Old City, as its capital. In an interview with a Russian TV station broadcasting in Arabic, Abbas said that he did not believe it was necessary to physically divide Jerusalem, and that arrangements could be made to allow free passage between the Israel and PA controlled areas of the city, but that "it must be clear what belongs to the Palestinians, and what belongs to Israel," he said.

Regarding Israel's demand that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state, Abbas said that this was only mentioned in the original UN partition plan, hinting that Israel would have to agree to that plan if it wanted such recognition.

The original UN partition plan, which was accepted by the Jews but not by the Arabs, would have left Jerusalem an 'international city' and would have left Israel without an airport, among other charming differences.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Surprise! Abu Bluff wants all of Jerusalem

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