Friday 1 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Sabbath music video

Sabbath music video

The Medrash says that two angels accompany each Jewish man home from the synagogue on Friday night. There is a good angel and a bad angel. The angels come into the house and see if the house is prepared for the Sabbath. Is the table set? Are candles lit? Is there wine for the Kiddush prayer and challoth (breads) for the meal? If all of these things are there, the good angel says "may it be God's will that it should be this way next week" and the bad angel is forced to answer "Amen." But if these things are not there, the bad angel says "may it be God's will that it should be this way next week" and the good angel is forced to answer "Amen."

When we come home from the synagogue, we sing a song whose four verses welcome the angels to our home, blessing them for coming in peace, asking them to bless us, and blessing them on their departure from our homes.

This happens to be the tune we sing in our house.

Let's go to the videotape.

Shabbat Shalom everyone.

Israel Matzav: Sabbath music video

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