Monday 11 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Petraeus: 'Iran's facilities aren't bomb proof and we have a plan to deal with them'

Petraeus: 'Iran's facilities aren't bomb proof and we have a plan to deal with them'

In an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour to be broadcast on Sunday, US Central Command chief David Petraeus says that Iran's nuclear facilities are not bomb proof and that the United States does have a contingency plan to deal with them militarily.

In addition to diplomacy and sanctions, the United States has developed contingency plans in dealing with Iran's nuclear facilities, a top U.S. military commander told CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

Gen. David Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command, did not elaborate on the plans in the interview, to be aired Sunday. But he said the military has considered the impacts of any action taken there.

"It would be almost literally irresponsible if CENTCOM were not to have been thinking about the various 'what ifs' and to make plans for a whole variety of different contingencies," Petraeus told Amanpour at the command's headquarters in Tampa.


When asked about rumors that Israel could attack Iran's facilities, Petraeus declined to comment about Israel's military capabilities. But when asked about the vulnerability of the facilities, Petraeus said Iran has strengthened the facilities and has enhanced underground tunnels.

Still, the facilities are not bomb-proof.

"Well, they certainly can be bombed," he said. "The level of effect would vary with who it is that carries it out, what ordnance they have, and what capability they can bring to bear."

We've heard similar hints of military action against Iran from Admiral Michael Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Here's the problem though. While Petraeus and Mullen are both extremely capable men and I'm sure they have solid plans to take out Iran's facilities - or at least to severely damage them - the guy who would have to give the orders to use those plans would regard an American attack on Iran under any circumstances as a failure of his Presidency.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Petraeus: 'Iran's facilities aren't bomb proof and we have a plan to deal with them'

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