Tuesday 26 January 2010

Israel Matzav: A 'parlor party' for Hamas in my hometown

A 'parlor party' for Hamas in my hometown

Solomonia reports on a 'parlor party' for Hamas in my old hometown (Newton, Massachusetts).

Palestine Report Back Submitted by ujpadmin on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 5:26pm. When: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 6:00 pm Where: Home of Ann Glick • call for directions • West Newton Start: 2010 Jan 24 - 6:00pm COME TO AN INFORMAL REPORT BACK FROM PALESTINE SPONSORED BY THE UJP PALESTINE TASK FORCE Sunday, January 24, 2010

6 PM Potluck dinner -- Reports and slide show starts at 7 PM

Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Ridgely Fuller, and Lois Mastrangelo have all recently returned from the W. Bank and Egypt. Sarah was in Egypt with the Gaza Freedom March, Lois traveled with the Michigan Peace Team in the W. Bank and Ridgeley visited many sites both with Sabeel and on her own in E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank, focusing on nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation.

We will ask for donations to aid programs in Palestine and to break the siege of Gaza.

The Report Back will be held at Ann Glick's home in W. Newton. Call her for directions at 617-332-[snip] or email her at aglick@hotmail.com.

I wonder if they'd still be supporting Hamas if the missile range was as in the picture above.

By the way, Ms. (Probably Jewish) Glick's full phone number is fairly easy to find on the web in case you'd like to give her a call.

Israel Matzav: A 'parlor party' for Hamas in my hometown

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