Thursday 28 January 2010

Israel Matzav: An open letter to Charles Johnson

An open letter to Charles Johnson

As many of you know, I got my start in blogging at Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs. In fact, I suspect that many of you originally came to this site from there.

Like many others, I was banned from Little Green Footballs several months ago (for the 'crime' of giving a hat tip to a blog owner who is on Charles' bad list), and Charles has since acknowledged that he has turned 180 degrees to the Left.

Conservative columnist and radio host Dennis Prager has written a response to the manifesto that Charles published when he turned Left. While it is only peripherally relevant to Israel (if Sunday's New York Times is to be believed, Charles remains pro-Israel), I urge you all to read it.

Israel Matzav: An open letter to Charles Johnson

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