Monday 25 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama's rainbows

Obama's rainbows

At the end of an article in which he accuses President Obumbler of 'chasing rainbows,' former Defense Minister Moshe Arens comes up with this.

And who will tell Obama that in seeking a two-state solution, he is chasing the rainbow? Where is the person who - like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen's tale who saw the emperor was not wearing any clothes - will tell the U.S. president that the two-state solution, at least for now, is an impossible dream, and that if he continues to pursue this dream he is in for more disappointment? It is not going to be any of his advisers, who urged him to demand a total freeze on building in Judea and Samaria and Eastern Jerusalem - thus making it possible for Abbas to stall on any negotiations with Israel. It is not going to be Obama's friends at J Street. And Netanyahu has evidently decided to play along, rather than confront Obama with alternate ideas.

What might these ideas be? The grain of an idea appeared the other day when Abbas suggested that the United States negotiate with Israel in his place. That, of course, won't lead anywhere. But how about Jordan negotiating in Abbas' stead? That would return some symmetry to the intractable problem, and correct the present asymmetry that continues to haunt the situation.

No one is going to tell Obama that the 'peace process' has no clothes. Not even - as Arens points out - Prime Minister Netanyahu. And neither King Abdullah nor any other Jordanian king is going to negotiate on the 'Palestinians' behalf - it would only serve to highlight that Jordan is 70% 'Palestinian' while the 'royal family' is not.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Obama's rainbows

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