Sunday 31 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama's national security adviser warns Israel not to pressure Iran

Obama's national security adviser warns Israel not to pressure Iran

On Friday, President Obumbler's National Security Adviser, James Jones, warned Israel not to pressure Iran (Hat Tip: Jihad Watch).

Meanwhile on Friday, President Barack Obama's national security adviser cited a heightened risk that Iran will respond to growing pressure over its nuclear program by stoking violence against Israel.

The adviser, retired Marine Gen. James Jones, said history shows that when regimes are feeling pressure they can lash out through surrogates.

He said that in Iran's case that would mean facilitating attacks on Israel through Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. Iran helps arm Hezbollah and Hamas.

Not the first time Jones has put his foot in his mouth.

Israel Matzav: Obama's national security adviser warns Israel not to pressure Iran

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