Friday 29 January 2010

Israel Matzav: More anti-Semitism from Sweden

More anti-Semitism from Sweden

Sorry traffic has been slow today - I went to a seminar in Tel Aviv so that I can try to make a living.

Remember Malmo, Sweden? Remember Gaza in Malmo? Remember the Davis Cup match with no spectators? I'd like you to meet Ilmar Reepalu, the apparently Swedish-born, non-Muslim Mayor of Malmo. In honor of Holocaust Memorial Day this week, Mr. Reepalu has given an interview with a Swedish newspaper called Skanskan.

The interview is in Swedish, but reader Erik J has been kind enough to send me a translation of some pertinent parts, and I'm sure you will all not be surprised to hear that Mr. Reepalu fits right into the country of Aftonbladet and Carl Bildt.

Did You know that the mayor of Malmö, Sweden - Yes that Malmo, Israel, tennis - in an interview on Holocaust memorial day said the following:

"We don´t accept neither zionism nor antisemitism. They are both extremes that pose them selves above other groups and regard those [groups] as inferior."

(The quote in Swedish: Vi accepterar varken sionism antisemitism. Det är ytterligheter som sätter sig över andra grupper och anser att de är mindre värda.]

He also stated that in his view, the jewish congregation and jews as individuals have a responsibility for what others think of them:

"I would have wished for the jewish congregation [in Malmo] to take a stand against Israels violations of the civilian population of Gaza. In stead they choose to hold a demonstration at Stortorget [a big square in Malmo] that could send the wrong signal."

[Quote in swedish: Jag skulle önska att judiska församlingen tog avstånd från Israels kränkningar av civilbefolkningen i Gaza. I stället väljer man att hålla en demonstration på Stortorget, som kan sända fel signaler.

Wherever he is buried Raoul Wallenberg must be rolling over in his grave.

Israel Matzav: More anti-Semitism from Sweden

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