Saturday 23 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Mitchell's five-point plan

Mitchell's five-point plan

US Special Middle East envoy George Mitchell is carrying a five-point plan for starting 'Middle East peace talks.'

Special Middle East envoy George Mitchell of the United States is carrying a five-point plan for a comprehensive Middle East peace as meets with Israeli and Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders during his current Middle East visit, according to PA sources cited by the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat on Friday. The plan is headed by renewal of talks between the two sides on most issues during the current freeze on construction in Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. The status of Jerusalem would be delayed.

Other points call for the establishment of a PA state basicly under pre-1967 borders under the guidelines of the Saudi Arabian initiative. It was shown to Egyptian and Jordanian foreign ministers during their recent visits to Washington, DC. Egypt's Ahmed Aboul-Gheit voiced opposition on behalf of the PA, despite a warning from the US that any route than wasn't dialogue with Israel would be a catastrophe for PA residents.

Good luck with that. I wonder what the other points are. Hmmmm.

Israel Matzav: Mitchell's five-point plan

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