Sunday 17 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Kuwaiti foreign minister calls Netanyahu 'stupid and insane'

Kuwaiti foreign minister calls Netanyahu 'stupid and insane'

A foreign minister of one country called the Prime Minister of another country 'stupid and insane.' The second country demanded an apology? No. Threatened to withdraw its ambassador? What ambassador? After all, the second country is Israel, and this kind of treatment from Arab countries - who all want to love us if we would only sign on the dotted line to commit suicide under the Saudi plan - is routine.

Kuwait's foreign minister lashed out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling the Israeli leader "stupid" and "insane," the Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported on Sunday.

Mohammed al-Sabah said the policies of "Israel's stupid and insane prime minister" had jeopardized the peace process, but that the Kuwaiti government remained committed to an Arab peace plan put forward by Saudi Arabia and would keep working to heal a split between the major Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and exiled Hamas chief Khaled Meshal were set to meet in the next 10 days, al-Sabah said.

"Abbas and Meshal will aim at completing the reconciliation proposal backed by Egypt," Ma'an reported him as saying, quoting the Kuwaiti press.

I'm sure that having Hamas in the picture would just do wonders to promote the 'peace process.'


But fear not: Ma'an reports in a later update that 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen has already thrown another monkey wrench in the wheels of 'reconciliation.'

Members of Fatah's Central Committee told Ma'an on Sunday that President Mahmoud Abbas will not meet with senior-most Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al until Hamas signs the Egyptian reconciliation document.

Their statements follow news that the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Muhammad As-Sabah said that a reconciliation meeting will be held within the next ten days between Abbas and Mash’al, Kuwaiti media reported on Sunday.

"A meeting will join Abbas and Mash'al, aimed at accomplishing the reconciliation proposal backed by Egypt. Hamas rules itself and all discussions concerning affiliations to other sides are false," Sheikh As-Sabah told the Kuwaiti daily Al-Qabs.

Efforts to end Fatah-Hamas rivalry have been stonewalled, as Hamas demands that its amendments be taken into consideration. Meanwhile, Fatah officials say that the reconciliation document is finalized and have accused Hamas of attempting to stay general elections by delaying the ratification of the agreement.

Sure, they're going to be able to live together in peace and stability....

Israel Matzav: Kuwaiti foreign minister calls Netanyahu 'stupid and insane'

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