Wednesday 20 January 2010

Israel Matzav: It's all about me, me, me

It's all about me, me, me

Do you have little kids? You know how with little kids, anything they do or are asked to do is always about me, me, me. Well, that's how the 'Palestinians' are also. Consider how they react to donating money to Gaza.

Palestinians in Gaza are offering donations and financial support for the victims of Haiti's devastating earthquake at the Strip's Red Cross headquarters, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported on Monday.

The Ma'an reported said that Gazan family members of Palestinians imprisoned in Israel also participated in the effort, offering financial donations and goods such as blankets and covers, as well as food and milk for children.

The report comes after the Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank, said that it intended send humanitarian to Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake which all but leveled the island's capital city, adding that it was working to ensure the safety of members of the Palestinian community residing on the island (Are there any 'Palestinians' in Haiti? Maybe they'd like a few more? CiJ].

Head of the Committee to Break the Siege Jamal Al-Khudary said "people may be astonished at our ability to collect donations from our people [in Gaza]; we tell them that this is a humanitarian campaign and our people love life and peace ?"

"We are here today supporting the victims of Haiti ? we feel for them the most because we were exposed to our own earthquake during Israel?s war on Gaza."

There's a huge difference between what happened in Gaza and what happened in Haiti. The Haitians deserve the World's support and pity. The Gazans deserve its contempt.

Israel Matzav: It's all about me, me, me

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