Sunday 24 January 2010

Israel Matzav: IDF fears entry of terrorists as Sudanese refugees

IDF fears entry of terrorists as Sudanese refugees

The IDF has told Prime Minister Netanyahu that it fears that al-Qaeda will smuggle terrorists into Israel under the guise of Sudanese refugees crossing the Egyptian border.

A senior military official told the PM that the terror group may attempt to recruit people in Sudan and train them. Al-Qaeda will then have the recruits infiltrate Israel, set up terror cells and recruit other refugees to carry out attacks in Israel, according to the army official.

Netanyahu was told that the past four years have seen 20 attempts by terrorists to infiltrate Israel through the breached Egyptian border.

During a recent incident, IDF forces apprehended a lone infiltrator carrying a five-kilo (11 pounds) explosives device. The security establishment estimates that the terrorist either planned to carry out the attack himself or transfer the device to Palestinian terrorists.

Maybe it's time to start arresting these people and returning them to their points of origin.

Israel Matzav: IDF fears entry of terrorists as Sudanese refugees

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