Wednesday 20 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Huh? MI Chief: World against us because we beat terror

Huh? MI Chief: World against us because we beat terror

Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that the world has turned against Israel because we have been so successful in fighting terror.

"The Palestinian Authority is encouraging the international arena to challenge Israel's legitimacy and its activities," Yadlin told members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

"The paradox of the current situation is that one of the primary sources that has led to the discussion on Israel's legitimacy is precisely its success against terror," Yadlin said.

The fact that Israel is no longer suffering from terror or from an immediate military threat has made it easier for the international community to accept claims against Israel's security activities," he added.

The idea that the World only loves us when we are going like sheep to the slaughter R"L (God should save us) is an old, tried and true meme in Jewish history. But if Yadlin is correct, the (Western) World is a bunch of fools. If we're so successful at defeating terror, shouldn't they want to learn from us?

Israel Matzav: Huh? MI Chief: World against us because we beat terror

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