Tuesday 12 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Hezbullah funded by European drug trade

Hezbullah funded by European drug trade

Forgot to blog this yesterday.

A report over the weekend in Germany's Der Spiegel magazine claims that Hezbullah is being funded by the European drug trade.

According to a report on the magazine's Web site, German police arrested two Lebanese citizens living in Germany in October after they transferred large sums of money to a family in Lebanon that has connections to Hezbollah's leadership, including Secretary General Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.

Suspicion was first raised in May 2008, when police found 8.7 million euros in the bags of four Lebanese men at the Frankfurt airport.

A police search of their apartment in Speyer, Germany turned up an additional 500,000 euros. According to the report, police suspected the men were selling cocaine in Europe and sending the profits back to Lebanon.

It added that the two suspects were trained at a Hezbollah camp. The suspects deny the allegations.

Or maybe the money is going into Nasrallah's pocket?

Israel Matzav: Hezbullah funded by European drug trade

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