Friday 29 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Hamas claims it didn't shoot at civilians, even Human Rights Watch disagrees

Hamas claims it didn't shoot at civilians, even Human Rights Watch disagrees

Hamas has 'investigated' itself and the other 'Palestinian' terror groups in Gaza and concluded that they did not target Israeli civilians when shooting rockets from Gaza.

But Hamas, which along with other armed groups has launched thousands of makeshift rockets into southern Israel in recent years, said a committee it appointed to follow up on the report found no intention to harm civilians.

"The committee worked around the clock to uncover the facts, despite the certainty that there were no violations of international humanitarian law or international human rights law that amount to war crimes," said the committee head, Hamas justice minister Mohammed Faraj al-Ghul.

"The Palestinian government has on more than one occasion called on armed Palestinian groups to avoid targeting civilians," said the report by Hamas, which has claimed scores of deadly suicide bombings against Israeli civilians.

"(The armed groups) struck military targets and avoided civilian targets, and any accusations related to this concern errant fire."

That was even too much for Human Rights Watch.

"Hamas' claim that rockets were intended to hit Israeli military targets and only accidentally harmed civilians is belied by the facts," the New York-based group said.

HRW issued its statement after the Islamist rulers of the Gaza Strip said its investigations of allegations in a UN report on the Gaza war found that they and other Palestinian armed groups "struck military targets and avoided civilian targets."

HRW pointed out that most of the rocket attacks on Israel hit civilian areas. "Civilians were the target," the rights group said, adding that "deliberately targeting civilians is a war crime."

The UN report into the 22-day Gaza offensive published in September also said the firing of the hard-to-aim rockets at southern Israel deliberately targeted civilians and could constitute a crime against humanity.

It's not just that the rockets hit civilians areas. They targeted civilians areas. The proof is here.

Israel Matzav: Hamas claims it didn't shoot at civilians, even Human Rights Watch disagrees

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