Friday 29 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Hamas 54 Congressman has large Jewish constitutency

Hamas 54 Congressman has large Jewish constitutency

Earlier this week, I wrote about the Hamas 54, the 54 Democratic congressmen who wrote a letter to President Obama urging him to pressure Israel to lift the 'blockade' on Gaza to allow terrorists to enter and leave and to import weapons and ammunition.

Reader Mom's Teach informs me that one of the Congressman who signed the letter is Elijah Cummings (D-Md) whose Baltimore district is heavily Jewish. Cummings, who has been in Congress since 1996, has attracted between 73% and 98% of the vote each time he has run.

Anyone in Baltimore up for some change?

Israel Matzav: Hamas 54 Congressman has large Jewish constitutency

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