Wednesday 20 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Haiti: 'Our patients are dying and no one but the Israelis has come to help'

Haiti: 'Our patients are dying and no one but the Israelis has come to help'


CNN Elizabeth Cohen interviews makeshift medical tent personnel on January 18, 2010.

Asking Harvard Medical Dr. Jennifer Furin, "Have the American's set up a field hosptial?"

"Currently, not yet."

Cohen: "The Israeli's came from the other side of the world..."

Furin: "It's a frustrating thing that I really can't explain..."

Cheer up Americans. Furin is from Harvard.

Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: NY Nana).

If God forbid Ahmadinejad nukes Israel, an awful lot of other people outside Israel are going to die the next time there is a natural disaster.

And this is CNN yet - which is known to be anti-Israel....

Israel Matzav: Haiti: 'Our patients are dying and no one but the Israelis has come to help'

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