Sunday 10 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Global warming?

Global warming?

Just thought you might like to know....

Israelis headed for the beach at the weekend to enjoy a winter heatwave, with temperatures rising into the high 20s Celsius (high 70s Fahrenheit) as much of northern Europe shivered in a cold snap.

Tel Aviv's sun-splashed Mediterranean beachfront was thronged with bikini-clad women and bare-torsoed roller-bladers making the most of "July in January" conditions, as pensioners licked ice-cream in the shade.

The daily Maariv said air-conditioners shut down for the winter would be back in action in southern Israel for the weekend, with a forecast high of 29 Celsius (84 F).

Normally chilly in January, Jerusalem and the West Bank bathed in balmy 25-degree weather under a cloudless blue sky, with more of the same expected over the weekend and into early next week.

Meanwhile, Paris, London, Berlin and Vienna were freezing and even Madrid had snow in the forecast, while temperatures dipped to minus 21 C in northern Scotland.

Heh. It broke 80 (Fahrenheit) outside our house on Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy the snow everyone.

Israel Matzav: Global warming?

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