Friday 8 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Egypt opposes a 'Palestinian state' in Gaza

Egypt opposes a 'Palestinian state' in Gaza

Surprise! Egypt doesn't want a 'Palestinian state' in Gaza.

‘A senior Egyptian source revealed to the Egyptian newspaper Al-Gumhouriya the real reason that Egypt won’t officially open its border with the Gaza Strip.

He noted that the steel fence being built along the border with the Gaza Strip is designed to thwart Israeli plans to establish a Palestinian state in Gaza and part of Sinai.

Gee, I wonder why.

You didn't really believe all that nonsense about the Arab countries wanting a 'Palestinian state,' did you? Of course, they don't want one, especially not if it's going to be dominated by Hamas. They'd be happy to see a 'Palestinian state' replace Israel (God forbid), but you can bet that if it were dominated by Hamas, Egypt's steel wall on the border with it would be 100 meters high and 100 meters deep.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt - the Arab Muslim dictatorships are the best liars and whiners in the world.

Israel Matzav: Egypt opposes a 'Palestinian state' in Gaza

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