Friday 1 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Deja vu all over again: Grad rocket hits Netivot

Deja vu all over again: Grad rocket hits Netivot

When I saw the reports on Twitter, I thought maybe we were celebrating a retrospective from a year ago. But then I realized that a year ago I had just signed up for Twitter, didn't really understand how it worked, and was only following @weblogawards (anyone know what happened to them?), so this one had to be in real time.

A grad-type Katyusha rocket hit Netivot on Thursday night around 9:30. This was the first rocket of that type fired from the Gaza Strip in nearly a year. One woman suffered from shock, but no damage was reported. Residents reported hearing a second explosion, but the IDF found no evidence of it. The "color red" warning system did not work.

More details here, here and here.

Israel Matzav: Deja vu all over again: Grad rocket hits Netivot

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