Sunday 24 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Could Wexler's old district go Republican?

Could Wexler's old district go Republican?

You will recall that in October, Florida Congressman Robert Wexler (D) resigned his seat in the House to head up J Street's 'think tank.'

In the wake of Scott Brown's defeating Marcia Martha Coakley in Massachusetts last Tuesday, Michael Barone provides a theory that says that the only 'safe' districts for Democrats are districts that voted 64% or more in favor of Obama in 2008. Wexler's old district is one of those districts, and there will be a special election in April to fill his seat, presumably only until year's end and the new Congress' arrival. Barone regards Wexler's seat as one of the 103 that are 'truly safe' for Democrats in the upcoming elections. Barone says that

yes, it will be amazing if this heavily Jewish district in Palm Beach and Broward Counties elects a Republican; heavily Jewish Brookline and Newton voted heavily against Scott Brown in Massachusetts.

Shmuel Rosner goes through the comments to Barone's post and finds someone on site in Palm Beach County, Florida who thinks otherwise.

I happen to live in Wexler's district, and it wouldn't be amazing to me at all. Obama support among all my retired Jewish friends started out weak (they were all Hillary fans) and has eroded into very vocal opposition and contempt over the past year. Obama bumper stickers have all but vanished in Palm Beach county. People are scraping them off.

Are the Jews in Florida smarter than the Jews in Massachusetts? Granted, my blog attracts mostly people who would love to see that seat go Republican, but anyone in Palm Beach or Broward counties want to comment? (Rosner would like to hear from you as well).

Israel Matzav: Could Wexler's old district go Republican?

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