Sunday 31 January 2010

Israel Matzav: BUYcott alert: Support Costco

BUYcott alert: Support Costco

Costco is being targeted by 'Palestinian' supporters for selling Israeli products.

Please support Costco’s ongoing sale of Israeli goods. Costco stores in the United States have been targeted for anti-Israel action. Please visit your local Costco and – if available – purchase Israeli products, such as Israeli clementines and Ahava beauty products. Please consider contacting Costco to express your support for purchasing products from Israel.

Together we can make a difference!


If only we had a local Costco here....

Israel Matzav: BUYcott alert: Support Costco

1 comment:

  1. If Costco will stop selling Israel
    products Iwill tear up my Costco
    Card and so will my Friends and Family
