Friday 22 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Brilliant: Israel allows 'Palestinians' to create facts on the ground

Brilliant: Israel allows 'Palestinians' to create facts on the ground

The State of Israel admitted in the 'Supreme Court' on Tuesday that it is so busy tearing down Jewish mobile homes in Judea and Samaria that it has no time or resources to deal with illegal Arab construction.

In a reply to the Supreme Court, the State has admitted that the enforcement of sanctions on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria is preventing enforcement of the law against illegal Arab construction.

The admition came in response to a petition by the Regavim association, which has demanded the State set dates to demolish illegal Arab homes built without permits, near the village of Mizrah El Kablah, north of Ramallah.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Brilliant: Israel allows 'Palestinians' to create facts on the ground

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