Thursday 14 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Boycott Bar Refaeli?

Boycott Bar Refaeli?

A high-ranking IDF officer has called for a boycott of products advertised by 'supermodel' Bar Refaeli.

The Israel Defense Forces human resources chief Maj. Gen. Avi Zamir yesterday called for a boycott of products advertised by Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli.

Speaking at a lecture at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Zamir was asked why the army did not act against Refaeli, who married under false pretenses so she could evade military service. Zamir said that, according to law, he could not act against Refaeli. "She went and married a 37-year-old guy, so what can I do?" he said.

"At the end of the day," according to Zamir, "she is the one who has to look at herself in the mirror. We are a society that has an army, and Bar Refaeli doesn't have to participate in ads for Fox [clothing] - and if she advertises Fox then you shouldn't buy their products."

Refaeli's mother came to her defense.

"The remarks made by the head of human resources are ridiculous and shameful," the model's mother, Tzipi Levin, said in an interview on the Web site Walla. "Before they attack Bar, let them look through their own house and see who they don't draft. Bar will continue to succeed and they will continue to talk and annoy us. We are among those who act and succeed, and they will continue to talk."

For those who have forgotten, this was how she enraged Israelis two years ago.

In her interview, the Israeli model said she was not against army service, even though she never enlisted, having married an acquaintance to evade the draft. The couple was soon divorced.

“I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time,” she said. “That’s just the way it is, celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.

“Israel or Uganda, what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn’t it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It’s dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel,” Refaeli added.

Until two years ago, no one in Israel had heard of Refaeli. If she can't stand the heat here, she should go back to America and stop highlighting the fact that she's Israeli. In America, almost no one will care that she consummated a sham marriage to evade the IDF.

Israel Matzav: Boycott Bar Refaeli?

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