Friday 15 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Another goy confuses Jewish with 'liberal'

Another goy confuses Jewish with 'liberal'

Andrew Sullivan is showing off his ignorance again.

The slow cultural shifts in Israel - toward ever more arrogance, more fundamentalism, more Russian immigrant racism, contempt for the Muslim world, military adventurism, and the daily grinding of the Palestinians on the West Bank and pulverization and inhumane blockade of the people of Gaza ... well maybe some others can explain it.

All I can say is: it saddens me, as a longtime lover of the Jewish state. It does not represent the historic mainstream of liberal Jewish society, it is a betrayal of many Jewish virtues that goyim like me deeply admire, and it seems designed for war as some kind of eternal and uplifting state of mind.

Sorry Andrew, but "Jewish" and "liberal" do not mean the same thing. Judaism does not require that we roll over and play dead for the Arabs. And if the only way to defend ourselves is war, then war it will be.

By the way Andrew, don't you think it's a little bit racist to imply that all Russian immigrants to Israel are racists? Just wondering. Oh, and that picture at the top? It's a Gaza fruit market and it was taken quite recently. Looks like they're being 'pulverized' and 'inhumanely blockaded,' doesn't it? I wonder how many other Arab countries have it as good as Gaza does.

Israel Matzav: Another goy confuses Jewish with 'liberal'

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