Monday 11 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Another excuse for the 'Palestinians' not to talk

Another excuse for the 'Palestinians' not to talk

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Aboul Gheit has yet another excuse for the 'Palestinians' not to talk to Israel.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit said over the weekend that he did not believe talks between Israel and Palestinian Authority could restart at this time, in large part because of the ongoing feud between Hamas and Fatah. Gheit said that only when the Fatah and Hamas terror groups come to an agreement among themselves will they be able to develop a common negotiating position on behalf of the PA.

Speaking after a meeting with high-level officials in Washington, Gheit said that Egypt would not work towards organizing a summit between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanayhu and PA chief Mahmoud Abbas at this time, because conditions were not right. However, he said, Israel was obligated to live up to all the commitments it made if and when the talks begin.

Funny that they talked for two years when Ehud Olmert was Prime Minister with Hamas and Fatah being divided. If anything, a Fatah - Hamas 'reconciliation' makes it less likely that there will be talks with Israel or that those talks will go anywhere.

Isn't it strange that the Obama administration doesn't seem to notice that all the Arabs are opposed to talks between Israel and the 'Palestinians.' Hmmm.

Israel Matzav: Another excuse for the 'Palestinians' not to talk

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